If you choose to transfer your other credit card balances to this American Express card, you can get a even lower rate 1.99% for the first 6 months. Balance Transfer option is only available at time of online application. You can transfer 50% of your assigned credit limit, up to a maximum of $7,500, whichever is less (Subject to approval).
- For the first 6 months, the 1.99% rate will increase 8.99% if you have 1 Missed Payment.
- After the first 6 months, the interest rate will increase to the Standard Rate of 23.99% for the next 12 billing periods if in any 12 month period you have 2 separate Missed Payments.
- Interest rate will increase to the Basic Rate of 26.99% for the next 12 billing periods if in any 12 month period you have 1 Missed Payment that remains unpaid for 2 or more consecutive billing periods or if you have 3 or more separate Missed Payments.
I should say that this is a OK credit card if you want to use the 1.99% special rate in the first 6 months. Overall, this card is not attractive to me.