We introduced "How to Share Drop One-time Offers to Friends" before: http://www.canadianrewards.net/2017/06/share-drop-offer-to-friends.html There are some nice Drop offers now (expires soon):
1) 7-Eleven (Offer expires Sep 12, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/a8rAgf76YF
2) CIBC (Offer expires Sep 19, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/BXlfemm76D
3) Walmart (Offer expires Sep 25, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/Wrvi14WAmG
4) Wendy's (Offer expires Sep 26, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/rTITgdOlmG
5) Capital One (Offer expires Sep 30, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/2cSKNrU0ZE
6) Kobo (Offer expires Oct 1, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/MK7YyFJI5F
Actually, there is another new offer for Plastiq (Offer expires Dec 31, 2017): http://b.ewd.io/agtq/aRWmTcijmG
The Plastiq services are similar to Paytm. But this Drop offer only provides 0.2% return with bill payment in Plastiq. As far as I am concerned, I still prefer Paytm, which provides 3% return now for all bill payment this week: http://www.canadianrewards.net/2017/09/paytm-up-to-100-cashback-on-all-bill.html Not to mention that there is no prcessing fee with Paytm currently...
If you already downloaded and installed Drop, you will be able to add these new offers to your Drop "One-Time Offers" list.
If you are not a Drop user yet, it will let you to install the Drop app and then add that new offer for you. Note: In this case, after installation, you should open your Drop => settings => "Have a code?". Then, input a referral code there to get a Free 1000 points (value $1). If you need a "Invite Code" to get 1000 points from Drop, you can use ours: canadian-rewards
Thanks. PS: There are more Drop "One-Time Offers" at our website: http://www.canadianrewards.net/p/drop.html